Gungnir of Norway vinner pris på FIBO 2022
Vi är glada att dela med oss av nyheten att Gungnir of Norway har vunnit priset ”Innovation and Trend Award 2022” i kategorin Performance.
Citat från Gungnir of Norway
We’re already ecstatic about the outcome of this year’s FIBO, and it hasn’t even started yet! We are so proud and humbled to announce that we have won the 2022 Fibo Innovation award for the category ”Performance.”
The jury’s reasoning included several of the ”pains” of external collars. They also had the values our products bring to the table or gym. This means a lot to us! Again, Thank you for the recognition!
We believe it will help us in what we are trying to achieve: creating a collar free world, one customer at the time.
Inte första priset Gungnir of Norway vinner
Skivstången #TheAllrounder från Gungnir of Norway har vunnit det prestigefyllda 2021 Red Dot Award för enastående produktdesign.
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